Stress is the underlying factor responsible for the degeneration of our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Individually we have our own physical nurture points embedded in our DNA that can be triggered by stress, whether it be physical or metaphysical (beyond physical).
When we consider stress we usually only associate it with how busy, exhausted or consumed we are by certain situations, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. Behind the scenes there is so much more going on in our bodies; and our actions, thoughts and emotions are all contributing factors. Our thoughts affect our body and what we do with our body affects how we think. The physical (body) and the metaphysical (thoughts, feelings and emotions) work together to find balance and harmony. Yes! It's a two way street. But when we are continually exposed to environmental stress our body cannot cope and unknown to us, our body begins the degenerative process.
There are many stress factors that pervade our existence, that if left unresolved can ultimately end with chronic illness.
Some Physical factors:
- Technology advances that have sped life up - busyness
- Overload of information Our minds weren't designed to be bombarded with info
- Remaining in a state of high focus for extended periods
- Foods that have no nutritional benefit or foods that deplete our nutritional stores
- Toxins Aluminium, mercury, viruses, bacteria, pesticides, drug residue, alcohol etc
- Overload of EMF's (Electrical Magnetic Fields)‚ mobile phones, computers and mobile towers
- Posture - Sitting in a chair all day in our jobs can not only effect our skeletal structure, but it can also limit our breathing if we hunch over.
Some Metaphysical factors:
- Personal relationship - Insecurities and trauma. How we see ourselves in reflection to our environment/society
- Relationships‚ Stress in our relationship with others
- Energetic stress‚ What energy are we absorbing from others
- Conditioning, How society conditioning is effecting our experience
- Control, Our ability to let go of thoughts, feelings and emotions
- Lack of money thinking‚ Constant worry of money in the future
Metaphysical Stress
What we think about (imagine) can create stress ultimately triggering a biological response, consuming much needed nutrients and minerals. When our body is consumed by stress it consumes our nutritional stores that are necessary for the body to regain homeostasis (natural healing state), placing our bodies in a degenerative state.
Thinking alone creates a perception and this perception defines our experience. Many people believe that their perception is the truth, some would say this is ‚'my truth‚', but in fact, little of what we perceive is the truth as it is derived from our personal focal point or individual point of view. Therefore, if each person is their focal point for their own experience then the truth can be blurred when comparing it to others. Understanding that our perception isn‚Äôt necessarily the truth can help us understand others in conflicting situations.
By using our imagination we can create significant stress. Our imagination can conjure up very elaborate futuristic issues that in most cases will result in nothing. For example, we may open our bank account to find that we have little money which was unexpected. Our mind can develop all sort of harming scenarios that can create a considerable amount of stress (the stress head). With further investigation we find that our employer is running late in payment for some reason. Worrying about money, or the lack of, is one of the most identifiable causes of metaphysical stress.
Physical Stress from Metaphysical Stress
What we think about, and our relationship with how we think about it, directly affects our nervous system. Worrying can cause continual stress and over time we can find ourselves in a heightened state of anxiety (nervous energy). When our nervous system is elevated it requires more nutrients, vitamins, minerals and energy to resolve stress and if our body doesn't have the available nutrients to do the biological process necessary to heal, the state of stress continues affecting us further in other ways - what we call 'stress cycling'.
So, if the body is experiencing stress from external environmental factors, our mind and thoughts can be affected, potentially sending us into a dark place (depression). You don't hear people say "feel great, but my thinking is terrible". No, when we feel great and our body is stressless, then our mind follows and thinks inline to how we feel. But when our body is under stress our thinking can start spiralling.
Creating a wellness plan
In our modern environment, where we are privy to an extensive array of toxins unlike before, it is important that we have a health and wellness plan in place. This plan needs to respond to every aspect of our lives where stress is apparent. For our body - we can go for healthy food options that provide us nutrients necessary for resolving stress. In many instances where our nutritional stores have been compromised it may be necessary to take supplements. For our mind - we need to find ways (meditation) or processes that allow our minds to have a break from constant stimulation and chatter. For our wellbeing - we need to resolve heavy emotions. For our mind, body and environment relationship (our soul) - it is important that we open up previous conditioning and beliefs that don't serves us anymore.
Today every person should be considering a health and wellness plan, because degraded health equals less ability, compromising your experiences and overall happiness.