More people are experiencing fatigue and exhaustion due to our modern way of living along with contributing factors from our unbalanced environment. As the pace of life speeds up with emerging technologies, we take on more information which is not only stressful on the mind, but taxing on the body. This combined with environmental toxins affect the body's natural mechanism for healing.
Our busy lives and societal pressures encourage us to push through at all costs, leaving us little time to reflect on how our body is coping with daily stresses. High levels of stress can eventually create chronic illness and disease if left unattended. So it is important that we check in and make sure that we are looking after our health and wellbeing.
To help, here is a list of 10 common causes of fatigue.
1. Poor Sleep - Getting the ZZZZ
When we are on the GO, we can find ourselves struggling for a good night's sleep. For our bodies to reset for the next day it has been identified that we need around eight hours of solid sleep. Sometimes with our lives being so busy we might be burning the candle at both ends and can find ourselves either working, exercising or on devices right up to sleep time. A good sleep routine is beneficial to set the body up for healthy sleep patterns. This means allowing yourself time before bed to start letting the body know that it’s time to get sleepy. Turning off devices, the tv and exercising earlier in the day can help train the body to go to sleep. Also, eating or drinking foods (eg. Coffee) that don't stimulate our body later in the day is key for the body to find sleeping balance.
As a society we have become so conditioned with unhealthy habits which result in bad sleep, that we need nutritional supplements and guidance to get back on a healthy path.
2. Dehydration - The mother's milk (earth mother)
Keeping the body hydrated throughout the day is key in fighting fatigue. We need at least 2 litres of water a day (more if exercising or in hot weather) for the body to regulate temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.
3. Stress - Accumulated stresses
Our fast-paced lives contribute to more stress than ever before. People are experiencing stress from every aspect of their lives; their jobs, relationships, finances and health related issues. This chronic stress elevates our sympathetic nervous system, triggering unhealthy levels of cortisol, which overtime can have us experiencing extreme adrenal fatigue.
Stress resolution through allowing yourself the time to relax by practicing meditation, breath work and other modalities can help increase your energy. When we are stressed for long periods, it depletes us of many minerals and nutrients necessary for biochemical functions. Magnesium, which is vital for energy production, is imperative for the body to resolve chronic stress.
4. Viral infection - An internal highjacking
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether we have an infection. In many instances we feel tired and a little off, but we can't quite put a finger on what it is. When we are fighting an infection, our body communicates to us that we need sleep.
Many viral infections can induce fatigue that persists for days, weeks and sometimes months, affecting our ability to return to full health. If you are experiencing an infection, you can boost your immunity by taking supplements such as zinc and vitamin C which will support your immune system, help fight pathogens and speed up recovery.
5. Mould exposure - Don't let it dampen your energy
It is well reported that being exposed to mould can lead to chronic fatigue. Short-term and beginning stages of mould sickness can look like a basic cold or allergy attack. This is due to the fact that mould acts as an irritant in small doses. If you repeatedly receive any of these symptoms after entering a building, that building may have a mould problem. Early symptoms include sneezing, itchy skin, headache, watery and itching eyes and skin irritation. If this is the case then immune support can help resolve mould issues.
6. Low magnesium, iodine and B vitamins
It takes a considerable amount of nutrients for our body to resolve the stresses that now occur in modern living. We obtain many of these nutrients and minerals through our food and soils, but in recent times with the over farming of our lands, we have become nutrient deficient. This combined with poor food choices sees many needing nutritional supplementation.
Nutrients from food are essential to create energy and if we have a lack of energy-boosting nutrients in our diet it can cause fatigue, particularly when it comes to nutrients such as magnesium, iodine and B vitamins.
We can naturally obtain these nutrients from a variety of whole foods including fish, wholegrains, nuts, seeds and dark green, leafy vegetables. But if our energy levels have been at a low for long periods, higher doses of supplements may be in order to get the body working in its normal healthy state.
7. Low iron levels
Digestive issues provide the foundation for mineral imbalances, which can result in fatigue. Minerals fight for absorption in the gut and if one is deficient, it provides a haven for an imbalance. Low iron can occur from an unhealthy diet, soil nutrient deficiencies, an unbalanced strict vegetarian or vegan diet, a history of poor digestion including insufficient stomach acids and low gut intrinsic factor. It is also common for women who experience heavy periods to become anaemic overtime or have iron deficiencies. If this sounds like you, a visit to your GP for a blood test is highly recommended to assess your iron status.
8. Low blood sugar
Our blood sugar levels can be severely interrupted by eating a lot of refined sugary foods. It is important that we eat more wholesome, healthy foods and combine quality protein, carbohydrates and fats that will naturally stabilise our sugar levels.
Instead of using processed sugars we can look for natural substitutes such as cinnamon powder, honey, agave, rapadura, natural maple syrup, rice malt or natural stevia.
9. Mitochondrial health
If you are in a position where you cannot resolve fatigue your body may have an issue in transforming energy. Mitochondria is responsible for generating most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions. These energy creating components can be damaged because of exposure to environmental toxins, chronic infections and uncontrolled blood sugar.
10. Mental health issues associated with fatigue
Stress in the modern era has hit new heights. Our necessity to remain in a high state of focus for most of our day is contributing to symptoms of fatigue, depression and anxiety. The way we live along with poor diet can lead to mental illness.
It is important that we take time out to give our minds a rest from overthinking.
Fatigue is the symptom from many different underlying biological issues. If you are experiencing fatigue or exhaustion we recommend that you create a wellness plan before chronic illness happens. Get back your vibe today.